Thursday, October 9, 2008

Warm Fuzzy Vs. Cold Prickly

So I was talking to my brother the other day and he was explaining how my 3-yr-old nephew has a poster at school of a Cold Prickly Character and a Warm Fuzzy Character and the teacher encourages them to act warm fuzzy towards each other and not cold prickly, and I thought that was a pretty awesome philosophy. So in an effort to cultivate some warm fuzziness I thought I'd dedicate this post to one of my favorite things- snuggly puppies like this one above. That makes me endlessly happy.

All too often I find it's very easy for things to get me in a cold prickly mood-- rainy dreary weather, rude people, dealing with insurance and phone bills and other super irritating phone calls where you have to go through a 10-minute long menu before you can talk to a real person. But, I do find, though, that when I look for it, there are so many moments in a day that can lift my spirits- like seeing a cute puppy or a beautiful fountain or kids being funny or the bus driver waiting for someone who is running to make the bus. Good things are out there and good people are out there and sometimes it just feels good to remember that.

Speaking of good things, the writer and director of "Goldstar, Ohio" were featured on Cleveland Public Radio yesterday- it was a really great segment about theatre and politics--the whole thing is about an hour long and they come on for the last 15 minutes, so check that out. We open in a week so spread the word!

1 comment:

Cleveland Bob said...

What a beautiful puppy. You've expressed yourself wonderfully on these pages. Keep posting stuff. It's highly addictive.

See you tomorrow.

Man. Craig Ferguson is funny...