Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just One More Thing to be Thankful For


Ok, so this past weekend's issue of the NY Times Magazine had an article where a number of writers were asked to name their favorite or most memorable onscreen moment from that year and "This American Life" contributing writer, Starlee Kline, wrote about this youtube video that I don't even want to spoil by describing. The quality isn't great, but just watch it and then watch it again. It's amazing. Feel free to share your own favorite onscreen moments of the year, and Happy Thanksgiving to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! That video is insane! I watched it 3 times.
My favorite onscreen moment this year is certainly from the movie you understandably lauded recently. In "Synechdoche, NY" Philip Seymour Hoffman's character directs a production of "Death of a Salesman." During the production someone turns over a briefcase and a tombstone is on the back. They set it down to mark the grave and walk off.
I laughed aloud and hard at that. It was one of those rare moments where you see yourself on screen. I would totally do that and think myself clever. There are a million moments to mention from that film, but I thought that was a quick and brilliant gem.